Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Archives are Open...
We've been toying with the idea for awhile. Today it just feels right: we're opening the archives. Please enjoy.
If there is a post you especially love, leave a comment for us here. Perhaps next week sometime we'll do a post of "favorites" from the past.
Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. The Hopefully Mormon community is lovely. We'll continue to post submissions as they come in: maybe the archives will inspire you to create your own?
If there is a post you especially love, leave a comment for us here. Perhaps next week sometime we'll do a post of "favorites" from the past.
Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. The Hopefully Mormon community is lovely. We'll continue to post submissions as they come in: maybe the archives will inspire you to create your own?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Remember that MormonAd with the hands full of tar that said something about how we shouldn't pass along gossip?
That's what I thought of when I heard President Monson's talk about charity at the Relief Society General Meeting. I feel like it was an answer to my prayers about a ward full of busy chatter. I really feel like the Lord heard my prayers and answered them through a prophet. Thank you.
I have in mind the charity that impels us to be sympathetic, compassionate, and merciful, not only in times of sickness and affliction and distress but also in times of weakness or error on the part of others.
There is a serious need for the charity that gives attention to those who are unnoticed, hope to those who are discouraged, aid to those who are afflicted. True charity is love in action. The need for charity is everywhere.
Needed is the charity which refuses to find satisfaction in hearing or in repeating the reports of misfortunes that come to others, unless by so doing, the unfortunate one may be benefited."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
When a man gives his life for the cause he has advocated, he meets the highest test of his honesty that his own or any future generation can in fairness ask. When he dies for the testimony he has borne, all malicious tongues should ever after be silent, and all voices hushed in reverence for a sacrifice so complete.
Ezra Dalby, 1926
Ezra Dalby, 1926
Monday, September 20, 2010
Now is the time for labor. Let the fire of the covenant which you made in the House of the Lord, burn in your hearts, like flame unquenchable.
Brigham Young
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
I'm grateful for the perspective the gospel brings to both war and peace.
Monday, September 13, 2010
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me, ye can do nothing.
John 15:5
Thursday, September 2, 2010
(An Indexing screen capture. Thousands of volunteers transcribe these historical records into a searchable database as part of the Church's mission to "redeem the dead.")
Each individual name reminds me that the gospel is about each individual person.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The young men and young women of my ward have renewed my faith.
Monday, August 30, 2010
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
I think this is the best Article of our Faith.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hopeful and Mormon
Catching up on the news this morning this headline caught my eye: More teens becoming "fake" Christians. The author of a new book, Kenda Creasy Dean, asserts that when youth pastors or parents water down the costs of being Christians, teenagers are less likely to become passionate or articulate about that religion.
Exceptions? Paragraph 13: Mormon and evangelical teens:
"In 'Almost Christian' [author] Dean talks to the teens who are articulate about their faith. Most come from Mormon and evangelical churches, which tend to do a better job of instilling religious passion in teens, she says.
No matter their background, Dean says committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose and a sense of hope about their future."
I find it hopeful that dedicated, religious adults are committed to teaching their children about Jesus Christ. And I love that the Mormon teens in the study represented well. This Ensign article from President Hinckley addresses some similar issues that Dean is working through.
Exceptions? Paragraph 13: Mormon and evangelical teens:
"In 'Almost Christian' [author] Dean talks to the teens who are articulate about their faith. Most come from Mormon and evangelical churches, which tend to do a better job of instilling religious passion in teens, she says.
No matter their background, Dean says committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose and a sense of hope about their future."
I find it hopeful that dedicated, religious adults are committed to teaching their children about Jesus Christ. And I love that the Mormon teens in the study represented well. This Ensign article from President Hinckley addresses some similar issues that Dean is working through.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hopeful and Mormon
If you don't know who J. Kirk Richards is yet, you will.
He paints lovely representations of Christ (I have a print hanging in my dining room), he's a Provo native (go Bulldogs), and he's becoming quite a force for good on the local art scene.
Generally speaking, I'd say he's hopeful and Mormon. But it's his Church Doodle series from one of his blogs that is worth a mention today. He sometimes collaborates with his children which also produces charming little doodles. Check it out.
He paints lovely representations of Christ (I have a print hanging in my dining room), he's a Provo native (go Bulldogs), and he's becoming quite a force for good on the local art scene.
Generally speaking, I'd say he's hopeful and Mormon. But it's his Church Doodle series from one of his blogs that is worth a mention today. He sometimes collaborates with his children which also produces charming little doodles. Check it out.
My grandfather always said that going to the temple felt like going home.
I think about it every time I see a temple. Or Dorothy.
Friday, August 20, 2010
When I falter, I remind myself that the phrase is "mighty change of heart," not "sudden change of heart."
Great things often take years to form.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
...Women should be women and not babies...
Hearing this quote in General Conference made me feel strong and responsible, instead of patronized or weak.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Patheos and Elder Cook
I find the collection of Mormon articles interesting and useful, but this one by Elder Cook is downright hopeful. Hopeful because an apostle is contributing to an online forum. This is not a reprint from an earlier talk or meeting. And the message, of course, is hopeful too.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Each of my children are so different (and perfect): it builds my testimony of a premortal life and the value of each individual spirit.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Prayer is a two sided conversation.
I have learned that when I talk and then listen, prayer can be more powerful. I am grateful for a religion that teaches me that I am important enough that God will talk to me.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yesterday was a lousy day...
This morning, the pleasing word of God healed my wounded soul, and gave me the strength to repent and be better.
Jacob 2:8
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
At the heart of the gospel is LOVE.
Heavenly Father loves us, so He gave us commandments. When our obedience to Him is motivated only by love, we begin to understand true discipleship. Our love of God can then reach our family, neighbors, and community.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner... or Ice Cream Dinner...
Christa is our Cold Stone giveaway winner (thanks random number generator). Her comment on what she finds hopeful about summer:
I love late summer nights spent creating - whether that be playing my guitar, making another colorful collage cover for a journal, or just making memories with fabulous people. It always takes me back to those summers of 13, 14, 15, spent staying up late with my best friend Ashley as we watched period films and quote Walt Whitman and e. e. cummings to each other and daydreamed about the future. Day dreaming never has to stop, and that's what late summer nights remind me of.
Christa, please drop us a line at hopefullymormon at gmail dot com with your full name and mailing address and we'll get the Cold Stone card off to you in the mail.
Thank you, in all seriousness, for the fabulous comments. So thoughtful and hopeful. Between your cheery comments and the back-to-school paperwork that has been arriving in the mail, I can see the next few weeks peeling away quickly. I am set to enjoy it while it lasts!
I love late summer nights spent creating - whether that be playing my guitar, making another colorful collage cover for a journal, or just making memories with fabulous people. It always takes me back to those summers of 13, 14, 15, spent staying up late with my best friend Ashley as we watched period films and quote Walt Whitman and e. e. cummings to each other and daydreamed about the future. Day dreaming never has to stop, and that's what late summer nights remind me of.
Christa, please drop us a line at hopefullymormon at gmail dot com with your full name and mailing address and we'll get the Cold Stone card off to you in the mail.
Thank you, in all seriousness, for the fabulous comments. So thoughtful and hopeful. Between your cheery comments and the back-to-school paperwork that has been arriving in the mail, I can see the next few weeks peeling away quickly. I am set to enjoy it while it lasts!
Friday, August 6, 2010
It is encouraging to be around people who like to do good things... even just for fun.
(And thanks, Jeremy. You made our day!)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Just a reminder in case you haven't noticed the Cold Stone giveaway... scroll down or click through here to leave a comment on the post from the 27th to be eligible for free ice cream! The giveaway will close Friday at midnight and you have a pretty good shot...
By their fruits ye shall know them.
Even though they're not perfect, in this church I am surrounded by lots of people who are trying hard to be good and do good. I can see with my own eyes that the fruit of trying to live the gospel found in Mormonism is good fruit.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Have you left your hopeful summer comment to be eligible for a Cold Stone giveaway? Leave a comment on the post from the 27th. The comments are worth reading... so hopeful and thoughtful!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer Hope
How is your summer going?
Mine has been lovely. Lots of fireworks, picnics, old friends and, for the first time, lots of camping: Girls Camp, Scout Camp, Cub Scout day camp. We are not big campers in our family (we're indoors-y) but I'm discovering/remembering that camping is an important part of the summer experience for most Mormons. 2010 is the summer that I learned to appreciate the value of camping.
I am beginning to wear out. Swimming at the pool has lost its charm. The green plants on the mountains are fading to parched brown. Our ambitious summer reading plans have turned into a chore. But the end is in sight.
To help get us all through the last, hot month of summer, Hopefully Mormon is sponsoring a pleasant giveaway: a $40 gift certificate to Cold Stone, to cool you off and lift your spirits. To enter, leave a comment on this post sharing what it is about summer that makes you feel hopeful (I need help thinking positive to get through the next few weeks). Please enter just once per person. We'll leave the giveaway open through the end of next week, Friday, August 6th, because we all know that internet time gets iffy during the road trips and sunburns that fill summer days.
What do I find hopeful about summer? Homegrown tomatoes, directly from the plant, eaten warm like an apple. If I could give that away, I would.
This giveaway is now closed! Thanks so much for participating.
Mine has been lovely. Lots of fireworks, picnics, old friends and, for the first time, lots of camping: Girls Camp, Scout Camp, Cub Scout day camp. We are not big campers in our family (we're indoors-y) but I'm discovering/remembering that camping is an important part of the summer experience for most Mormons. 2010 is the summer that I learned to appreciate the value of camping.
I am beginning to wear out. Swimming at the pool has lost its charm. The green plants on the mountains are fading to parched brown. Our ambitious summer reading plans have turned into a chore. But the end is in sight.
To help get us all through the last, hot month of summer, Hopefully Mormon is sponsoring a pleasant giveaway: a $40 gift certificate to Cold Stone, to cool you off and lift your spirits. To enter, leave a comment on this post sharing what it is about summer that makes you feel hopeful (I need help thinking positive to get through the next few weeks). Please enter just once per person. We'll leave the giveaway open through the end of next week, Friday, August 6th, because we all know that internet time gets iffy during the road trips and sunburns that fill summer days.
In summary: $40 Cold Stone giveaway, comment here, enter until Friday, August 6th, at midnight MST.
What do I find hopeful about summer? Homegrown tomatoes, directly from the plant, eaten warm like an apple. If I could give that away, I would.
This giveaway is now closed! Thanks so much for participating.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am grateful for the pioneers. I live amid evidence of their testimony, and they still strengthen me daily.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
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